Compartir datos es la fórmula del futuro

Asistimos al SIL BCN 2022 para saber de primera mano, cómo afrontan el futuro los operadores logísticos ante las situaciones que estamos viviendo en los últimos años.

Transglory joins a BeGreen initiative

Last Saturday May 21th, 28 workers from different Romeu divisions in Spain and their families went to Parque Regional de la Sierra de Gredos (Ávila), to participate in the first team reforestation day organized by BeGreen together with Bosques Sostenibles.

Let’s make the world better!

Today, May 17, World Recycling Day is celebrated to raise awareness among the population about the importance of treating waste properly and thus protecting the environment.

¡Mejoremos el mundo!

Hoy 17 de mayo, se celebra el día mundial del reciclaje para concienciar a la población sobre la importancia de tratar los residuos de manera adecuada y así proteger al medio ambiente.

Why is packaging so important?

Any tangible thing you can imagine sails on cargo ships around the world every day in all its states: liquid, solid and gaseous.

¿Por qué es tan importante el embalaje?

Cualquier cosa tangible que te puedas imaginar navega en buques de carga de una punta a otra del mundo a diario en todos sus estados: líquido, sólido y gaseoso.

Energy observer 2: The new cargo ship powered by liquid hydrogen

Victorien Erussad once again wishes to dig his name into the history by launching the Energy Observer 2 vessel, a new generation of the autonomous laboratory vessel capable of producing its own hydrogen through surplus renewable energy. The entrepreneur announced during the One Ocean Summit in Brest, that he’s planning to launch a cargo ship […]

Colapso portuario en Shanghái

Cuando parece que la pandemia está llegando a su fin, en China, tratan de controlar el mayor rebrote de casos positivos en Covid-19, y han confinado varias ciudades, entre ellas Shanghái.

Shanghai port congestion

When it seems that the pandemic is coming to an end, in China, they are trying to control the biggest resurgence of Covid-19 infections yet, obligating them to confining several cities, including Shanghai.