Container fumigation procedure for BMSB

Container fumigation is essential to prevent the entry of pests or other harmful organisms to a cargo’s destination. Countries like Australia and New Zealand have very strict rules against the BMSB or Brown Marmorated Stink Bug.

Container fumigation for pest control

There are two kind of container treatments for pest control: chemical fumigation or high temperature treatment. In Spain the most common one is fumigation by gas, more specifically Sulfuryl Fluoride.

Since 2019 Spain and its exports to Australia and New Zealand are considered of risk and fumigation against the BMSB is compulsory for all its cargos during the Summer months in the South hemisphere.

Watch our video for more information and best practices.


fumigations pest control against BMSB


TransGlory offers weekly LCL services to Australia and New Zealand, you can consult our rutes on

Contact us with any doubts and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.