BMI Research (Fitch group) forecasts for Morocco the highest GDP growth in 2018 within the MENA region (Middle East North Africa).
Morocco, with an expected growth of 3.8% in 2018, is positioned just behind Egypt, the leader of the region with an expected increase of 4.9% of GDP this year.
UNCTAD points to Morocco as the country in Africa best connected by sea, followed by Egypt and South Africa.
This honor is not due exclusively to the progression and settlement of the country as an FCL hub and the passage of the great port complex of Tangier Med. It’s also because Casablanca has managed to preserve its maritime-logistics influence throughout the country and maintains ambitious modernization plans for growth. In addition, Agadir has positioned itself as the great specialist in fishing and agricultural products and, therefore, in controlled temperature traffic.
Furthermore, the port industrial mining complex of Jorf Lasfar, where Morocco as the world’s leading producer of phosphates, is concentrating the production and export of the different specialties of phosphate derivatives that an increasingly complex agrarian industry demands.
Exports of phosphates have represented year after year the main foreign exchange source of this country, although this predominance begins to be happily threatened by the thriving automotive industry that is developing in the area of Tangier.
Morocco has also adopted an ambitious national energy transition strategy towards renewable energies, mainly solar and eolic, where Spain has played a prominent role since it is considered one of the main actors in the Moroccan energy sector.