He has been at Transglory for more than 25 years and today he explains to us a little about his career in the company during all these years.

- What has motivated you to stay with the company for so long?
The search for knowledge has been one of the most important motivations. During all these years I have been able to train in various areas and this has allowed me to climb little by little by assuming new responsibilities. I want to mention that I have been lucky to have excellent superiors who have shared their knowledge with me. They have been, without a doubt, good references for me and I will always be very grateful to them.
- What have been the main changes you have witnessed in the company over the years?
First of all I want to highlight the growth and internationalization of the Division. Innovations in computer tools have been essential to grow in a controlled and sustainable manner. Being part of the Romeu Group has allowed us to take advantage of countless synergies as a Group and has been a very important point of stability, especially in the area of financial control.
- What has been your greatest achievement or contribution to the company during your time here?
It is difficult to answer this question. I could say that my greatest achievement has been training myself day by day and becoming the professional I have always wanted. My contribution is to make an effort every day, contribute my maximum and believe in the project.
- What are the skills or qualities that you consider most important to be successful in this company?
The most important thing to be successful is to have enthusiasm, be constant, respectful and learn from those who know.
- How has your role or responsibilities evolved over the years?
I have had different roles and responsibilities during all these years, which have paralleled the growth of the company. The first important role I assumed was that of head of the Barcelona Administration Department. After a few years and due to a centralization action, I was promoted to head of Administration of the Consolidated Division of Spain. Finally, in 2019 I assumed the position of Controller of the Division at Head Office level.
- What has been the biggest challenge you have faced in your career here and how did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge came when I assumed the position of Controller. It was a newly created position, I was very clear about the objective of the position, but I had no reference to give me clues on how to start. The first year was complicated, especially due to the different work methodologies and cultural diversity. But little by little and with a lot of effort I managed, together with my colleagues, to set up a homogeneous control and reporting system that has allowed us to work under the same pattern.
- What advice would you give to someone starting Transglory now?
I would give you the advice that my first manager gave me, that if you put your mind to it, make an effort and are not in a hurry, you will go far.
- How do you think digital transformation is affecting the sector?
Digital transformation provides the opportunity to establish new objectives and strategies that generate greater value. It is very important to have great support in new technologies. In our sector specifically, it is influencing, from my point of view, an exponential change where it provides us with speed, communication, process automation and reliability.